In Tokyo a ruthless gang start holding up U.S. ammunition trains, prepared to kill any of their own members wounded during a robbery. Down-at-heal ex-serviceman Eddie Spannier arrives from the States apparently at the invitation of one such unfortunate. But Eddie isn't quite what he seems as he manages to make contact with Sandy Dawson who is obviously running some sort of big ...
4.0奥马尔·本·哈依德,马尔万·阿卜杜拉,穆罕默德·艾哈迈德,Mohammed Ahmed,Mansoor Al-Fili,Khalifa Albahri,Hassan Yousuf Alblooshi,Saeed AlHarsh,Abdullah Almaqbali,Ibrahim Almusharaakh,Salem Altamimi,Abdullah Bin Haider,Majid Al Ja