7.0 印地语 · 2025 · 印度 · 美剧
在21世纪初孟加拉,一位受人尊敬的军官去世后,IPS Arjun Maitra与强大的黑帮分子和腐败的政治家对峙,他的使命是为一个被犯罪和混乱所笼罩的地区带来法律和秩序。
8.0 印地语 · 2013 · 印度 · 爱情片
伊姆兰·汗,卡琳娜·卡普尔,阿努潘·凯尔,Shraddha Kapoor,Esha Gupta
斯里汉姆(伊姆兰·汗 Imran Khan 饰)是一个格局非常小的男人,他的内心里只有他自己,其他的任何事情都与他无关,他也毫不关心。这样的一个男人,偏偏爱上了社会活动家蒂亚(卡琳娜·卡普尔 Kareena Kapoor 饰),蒂亚时时刻刻都心系着世界,先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。在刚开始的激情退却之后,斯里汉姆和蒂亚之间产生了非常严重的分歧,两人整日争吵,最终不欢而散。 然而随着时间渐渐的流逝,斯里汉姆发现自己竟然忘不了蒂亚,内心里还残存着对她的爱恋。于是,斯里汉姆决定去挽回前女友。此时的蒂亚已经搬到了一个地处偏远的小镇定居。
6.0 其它 · 2014 · 印度 · 喜剧片
玛杜丽·迪克西特,纳萨鲁丁·沙,阿尔沙德·瓦尔西,胡玛·库雷希,Vijay Raaz,Vivek Chauhan,Shraddha Kapoor,Amrita Puri
Taking on from where we left off, Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another escapade of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. The Begum (Madhuri Dixit-Nene) of Mahmudabad is hosting a festival of poetry and music in her mansion. The country’s best poets are in town. Khalujan posing as the Nawaab of Chandpur, is participating as a poet in the festival. He is not there merely to show off his poetic wares but to impress the widowed Begum who, as the grapevine suggests, is scouting for a husband -preferably a poet.Babban (Arshad Warsi) arrives in Mahmudabad to take Khalujan back to their old life but his plans change the moment he sets his eyes on Begum’s maid and confidant, Munira alias Muniya (Huma Qureshi), a brash and sexy young woman.Muniya too has plans of her own. She leaves the palace every now and then in a disguise to meet gangsters in dark alleys. The palace is rife with intrigue. The shayari is dropped for the guns, daring chases and hidden intentions. In the end, love triumphs even if the players of the story do not.
4.0 其它 · 2016 · 印度 · 恐怖片
U Turn is a Mystery Thriller. A young female reporter is upset about how people break traffic rules, she wants to do a story about it and have it published. In this pursuit she finds herself struck in a police case dealing with series of murders. The film is about how she tries to free herself of these accusations and also becomes part of the investigation process. The rest of the film is about the mysterious deaths and how they are all interconnected with a road accident.
7.0 印地语,英语 · 2011 · 印度 · 剧情片
瑞亚(Shraddha Kapoor 饰)是一个正直青春的美丽少女,和富有的男友洛(Taaha Shah 饰)感情稳定而又深厚。年轻的她即将迎来18岁的生日和学校的毕业派对,本以为生活幸福美满的她没有想到,噩运正在人生的拐角静候她的到来。 瑞亚和男友洛(Taaha Shah 饰)策划了一个浪漫的甜蜜之夜,在满怀憧憬的等待之后却面临着被迫取消的命运。之后,瑞亚发现一直信任的男友居然是一个朝三暮四的花花公子。这还不是最糟的,最令瑞亚难过的是,她震惊的发现,自己和洛的感情不过就是有钱人之间攀比的产物。血气方刚的瑞亚怒火攻心,深受打击的她并没有一蹶不振。一个完美的复仇计划在她的脑海里生成了,她要为自己付出的感情讨一个说法。
3.0 其它 · 2022 · 印度 · 美剧
Neeraj Kashyap,阿维纳什·提瓦里,Shraddha Das,Nikita Dutta,阿舒托史.拉纳,卡兰·塔克尔,维奈·帕塔克,拉维·基尚,阿比曼纽·辛格,Aishwarya Sushmita,Jatin Sarna,Anup Soni,Amit Anand Raut